Friday, April 15, 2011

A Blog About Nothing (Or, how this blog is reminiscent of Seinfeld)

The television show Seinfeld needs very little to no introduction. If you're not familiar with it, you either weren't born until the mid to late 90's and afterward or avoid syndicated television like the Plague. Anyway, the show's main character and co-creator Jerry Seinfeld described the show as "being about nothing". In all honesty, the episodes ARE about daily life from overdue library books to the fact that salt does make one thirsty.

This would lead one to naturally ask "Alright then Sorensen, how do you and one of the funniest sitcoms of all-time relate to one another?" Answer? I'm going to be taking the same concept, but I won't be as funny as Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld, I'll let that out now. I'm an aspiring sportswriter and college hockey blogger during the winter months, but commentaries on everything from society to my upcoming internship with (Wait for it, DISNEY!) will also be found here.

If you like what you read, tell a friend. If you don't, tell an acquaintance. Either way, look up Andy Sorensen Journalist on Facebook and become a fan and tell people that way. It's a lot more effective (and productive) than me standing on a street corner with a sign telling people to read the blog. Although people may mistake me for a beggar, and I as a poor college student could rightfully use the money, there are other people and places both domestic and abroad that could use it more.

Next post: How to better the NBA with or without a lockout